Разрабатываем и обслуживаем интеграции систем предприятия с гарантией по SLA. Меняем коннекторы сколько угодно раз по вашему запросу.Вы платите только за подписку по количеству активных потоков.

IT System Integrations
as a Subscription

Интеграции IT систем по подписке

We develop and maintain enterprise system integrations with guaranteed SLA. You can change the settings as many times as you like based on your requirements. You only pay for the subscription based on the number of active streams.

Discuss the project

We Create and Manage Integrations

You won't need to maintain your own data center or delve into cloud service configurations. We will develop integrations and deploy them on our Yandex Cloud infrastructure. We monitor their performance 24/7 and respond swiftly to incidents (within 30 minutes).

We Ensure Data Exchange Stability through SLA

We guarantee the actual working time of streams as per the Service Level Agreement (SLA) - 99.5%. The connector recovery time is no more than 4 hours. If you require specific SLA conditions, we can discuss them in a meeting.

You will have access to monitoring dashboards and receive monthly performance reports. We pay penalties for any service level breaches.

You Can Adjust Settings
as Needed

Sometimes, you may need to add a new attribute to an existing data stream or completely change the connector's logic. You won't have to delay modifications until the start of a new project. We can alter the created streams an unlimited number of times. The execution time is up to 4 weeks.

Predictable Budget:
You Only Pay for the Subscription

The subscription price includes support costs and computational resources. There are no charges for integration development. Your first payment is made after the integration is up and running. Calculate the subscription cost using our online calculator.

If you have any preferences, we can use other software products. Including with a paid license

How much do businesses typically spend on integration maintenance?

  • Maintaining an in-house data center entails staffing infrastructure engineering teams, which can be a significant monthly expense. There's a separate team responsible for maintaining costly servers, adding to the overall cost for the business.
  • Relying on top-notch developers to manage data flows and address critical issues can lead to the burnout of valuable personnel. Investigating integration failures requires highly skilled developers and shouldn't be delegated to support operators. Skilled engineers end up focusing on maintenance rather than innovation, which can deplete the company's key resources.
  • Bureaucratic procedures can hinder innovation. Approving a new project often involves complex and lengthy processes. Finding an available team for a small project is nearly impossible, as the best development teams are booked months in advance and are uninterested in minor modifications. All of these factors compel managers to postpone important yet non-critical changes in integrations until the launch of a major project.

Project calculator

How many streams will the systems send?
Example: PIM will send data about products. OMS will send data about orders. WMS will send data about shipping status. These are 3 streams.
Пример: «Система управления товарами» будет отправлять данные о товарах. «Система управления заказами» — о заказах. «Система управления складом» — о статусе отгрузки. Это 3 потока.
How many streams will the systems receive?
Example: WMS will receive data about products and orders. OMS will receive data about products and shipping status. These are 4 streams.
Пример: «Система управления складом» будет принимать данные о товарах и заказах. «Система управления заказами» — о товарах и статусе отгрузки. Это 4 потока.
The formula used in the calculator is accurate, but simplified. The scope of work on your project and the final cost may vary. Contact your personal manager to calculate the final cost.



Preparation of system and data flow maps (SOA scheme)

Preparing the infrastructure for the operation of connectors

We will work out exchanges on key entities

Configuring the monitoring and logging loop

Creation of connectors for data exchange for each stream on 3 stands (test, pre-prod, prod)

Creation of connectors (storage - receiver) for data exchange on each highly loaded stream (>100 messages per minute) on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Setup of up to three dashboards per connector inside a ready-made monitoring loop

Over 15 attributes for each stream

Documentation on copying integration, reuse, maintenance

Cost of computing resources (subscription only)

Demonstration of the implemented functionality

Сравнение подписки со стандартным проектом разработки

Проект разработки

Разработка и датацентр

Разрабатываем интеграции на ваших серверах.

Обслуживание и гарантия

После ввода в эксплуатацию полностью передаем интеграции вашей команде. Гарантия 6 месяцев после приемки коннектора.


Вы платите полную стоимость разработки потоков.
Цена рассчитывается по простому калькулятору и фиксируется в договоре. Оплата потока после его введения в эксплуатацию.

Доработки после запуска (новые требования)

Новый проект на разработку.

Подписка на сервис

Обслуживание и гарантия

Мы отвечаем за работоспособность интеграций и гарантируем их стабильную работу по SLA (соглашение об уровне сервиса).

Доработки после запуска (новые требования)

Включены любые доработки созданных коннекторов по вашему запросу.


Вы платите фиксированный платёж за количество активных потоков. Сумма ежемесячного платежа равна 10% цены разработки + стоимость вычислительных ресурсов. Первый платеж - после запуска потока.

Вы в любой момент можете выкупить и перенести интеграции на свои сервера. Мы передадим вам исходный код и инструкции, проведем вебинар по обучению сотрудников.

Comparison between Subscription and Standard Development Project

Standard Development Project

Subscription Service

Development and Data Center

We develop integrations on your servers.

We develop integrations and deploy them on our infrastructure. At any time, you can buy and transfer the integrations to your servers. We will provide you with the source code and instructions.

Maintenance and Guarantee

After deployment, we hand over the integrations to your team. We provide a 6-month guarantee after the connector's acceptance.

We are responsible for the functionality of the integrations and guarantee their stable operation through an SLA (Service Level Agreement).

Post-launch Enhancements (New Requirements)

New project.

Any enhancements to the created connectors are included upon your request.


You pay the full cost of stream development. The price is calculated using a simple calculator and is fixed in the contract. Payment for the stream is made after it's put into operation.

You pay a fixed fee based on the number of active streams. The monthly payment amount is equal to 10% of the development cost plus the cost of computational resources. The first payment is made after the stream is launched.

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Из чего состоит ESB


Брокер сообщений

Коннекторы (ETL)

Конструктор интеграций  (ETL)

Определяет и контролирует очерёдность отправки и принятия сообщений между приложениями в режиме реального времени.

Используются для подключения к различным системам. Определяют, где брать данные и куда их отправлять. Работают на ваших серверах и имеют понятный исходный код (обычно, Java)

Позволяет бизнес-аналитику работать в сервисной шине ESB самостоятельно, без привлечения команды разработки, что обеспечивает low-code всех интеграций и уменьшает число потенциальных проблем в коде. При этом вы сохраняете контроль над исполняемыми файлами в рамках самой интеграции.

Обеспечивает управление централизованными функциями, включая компоненты логирования и предоставление интерфейса для просмотра очередей.

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