for data exchange
between enterprise
IT systems

Using the ESB approach and Data Lake, we reduce the load on systems, eliminate data loss during exchange, simplify the modification of IT systems, and accelerate the analysis of all data.

Prevent data loss during the exchange
between systems

During the point-to-point exchange, data loss is possible in case one of the systems fails: one system considers a message transmitted, whereas the second has not received it yet.

During the point-to-point exchange, data loss is possible in case one of the systems fails: one system considers a message transmitted, whereas the second has not received it yet.

Исключите потерю данных при обмене между IT-системами предприятия.

We configure the integration in such a way that if the connection is broken, the message will be considered unprocessed and will be transmitted at the next pass

Change some IT systems
without changing the others

The old approach only allowed getting data from the source as it was.  The consumer had to convert it to their own format. With such an approach, any change in the source would bring about a cascade of changes in all related data flows.

The old approach only allowed getting data from the source as it was.  The consumer had to convert it to their own format. With such an approach, any change in the source would bring about a cascade of changes in all related data flows.

Changing the ERP or any other system won't require adjustments in all connected systems. If a system changes, it will only affect the "source-storage" connectors. Everything else will remain unchanged for all consumers.

Changing the ERP or any other system won't require adjustments in all connected systems. If a system changes, it will only affect the "source-storage" connectors. Everything else will remain unchanged for all consumers.

Reduce system loads without improvements
or increase in resources

Different systems need the same data. Consumers duplicate requests to the source system, thus increasing the load. If a company has one system for storing the main data, it will receive a huge number of requests. Very often this is an old monolithic system and a business wants to replace it in the future.

Different systems need the same data. Consumers duplicate requests to the source system, thus increasing the load. If a company has one system for storing the main data, it will receive a huge number of requests. Very often this is an old monolithic system and a business wants to replace it in the future.

Consumers turn to the storage. The load on the main source is reduced without any improvements to the system itself or increase in resources. When the time comes to replace the old system with several new services, it will be necessary to change the "source-storage" flows. The changes will not affect many consumers.

Consumers turn to the storage. The load on the main source is reduced without any improvements to the system itself or increase in resources. When the time comes to replace the old system with several new services, it will be necessary to change the "source-storage" flows. The changes will not affect many consumers.

API as a separate service.
Connect uniform consumers without extra load

To connect multiple consumers of the same type (for example, retailers), an API is often created inside the system. At the same time, the load that these consumers create falls on the system.The lack of access to the source system will become a problem for all consumers. They won't be able to get necessary data.

To connect multiple consumers of the same type (for example, retailers), an API is often created inside the system. At the same time, the load that these consumers create falls on the system.

The lack of access to the source system will become a problem for all consumers. They won't be able to get necessary data.

We create API connectors as standalone services, separate from the source system. They operate independently of the source system and can handle high loads. You will be able to serve systems without issues for a multitude of consumers.

We create API connectors as standalone services, separate from the source system. They operate independently of the source system and can handle high loads. You will be able to serve systems without issues for a multitude of consumers.

BI implementation is made easy
with an existing Data Lake

By implementing ESB, we create a common  enterprise data warehouse: Data Lake.

It is easy to connect any analytics system and upload reports to such a warehouse. All data is ready.

We build the warehouse architecture so that the generation of reports on a large array of information does not reduce the speed of daily data exchange.

By implementing ESB, we create a common structured enterprise data warehouse: Data Warehouse (DWH). It is easy to connect any analytics system and upload reports to such a warehouse. All data is ready. We build the warehouse architecture so that the generation of reports on a large array of information does not reduce the speed of daily data exchange.

The monitoring system controls
the operation of each flow

We log key stages of each flow's operation. If an error occurs that requires action, you will receive a message on Telegram. It will include a description of the error and a link to more details. This allows you to proactively respond to incidents rather than waiting for user reports.

The support team operator will know exactly where and what went off-script, helping to resolve incidents faster. We can set up a monitoring system from scratch or configure monitoring in your infrastructure.

We log key stages of each flow's operation. If an error occurs that requires action, you will receive a message on Telegram. It will include a description of the error and a link to more details. This allows you to proactively respond to incidents rather than waiting for user reports. The support team operator will know exactly where and what went off-script, helping to resolve incidents faster. We can set up a monitoring system from scratch or configure monitoring in your infrastructure.

The data bus (ESB) is a set of microservices,
not a monolith

With our approach, there is no single point of failure in the architecture. A data bus (ESB) is a set of microservices that are not interconnected.

ESB components are independent of each other and can run on different servers in different locations.

The exchange failure of any system will only affect this system. Other systems keep on working.

With our approach, there is no single point of failure in the architecture. A data bus (ESB) is a set of microservices that are not interconnected. ESB components are independent of each other and can run on different servers in different locations. The exchange failure of any system will only affect this system. Other systems keep on working. ‍
Компоненты ESB не зависят друг от друга и могут работать на разных серверах в разных локациях.

Отказ обмена любой из систем затрагивает только эту систему. Все остальное продолжает работать.

Our clients

We use the best practices
and fundamental knowledge in IT

IT-архитектура проекта, в котором интегрирована ESB-система- KT.Team

Prevent data loss during the exchange
between systems

During the point-to-point exchange, data loss is possible in case one of the systems fails: one system considers a message transmitted, whereas the second has not received it yet.

During the point-to-point exchange, data loss is possible in case one of the systems fails: one system considers a message transmitted, whereas the second has not received it yet.

Исключите потерю данных при обмене между IT-системами предприятия.

We configure the integration in such a way that if the connection is broken, the message will be considered unprocessed and will be transmitted at the next pass.

Change some IT systems
without changing the others

The old approach only allowed getting data from the source as it was.  The consumer had to convert it to their own format. With such an approach, any change in the source would bring about a cascade of changes in all related data flows.

The old approach only allowed getting data from the source as it was.  The consumer had to convert it to their own format. With such an approach, any change in the source would bring about a cascade of changes in all related data flows.

Changing the ERP or any other system won't require adjustments in all connected systems. If a system changes, it will only affect the "source-storage" connectors. Everything else will remain unchanged for all consumers.

Changing the ERP or any other system won't require adjustments in all connected systems. If a system changes, it will only affect the "source-storage" connectors. Everything else will remain unchanged for all consumers.

Reduce system loads without improvements
or increase in resources

Different systems need the same data. Consumers duplicate requests to the source system, thus increasing the load. If a company has one system for storing the main data, it will receive a huge number of requests. Very often this is an old monolithic system and a business wants to replace it in the future.

Different systems need the same data. Consumers duplicate requests to the source system, thus increasing the load. If a company has one system for storing the main data, it will receive a huge number of requests. Very often this is an old monolithic system and a business wants to replace it in the future.

Consumers turn to the storage. The load on the main source is reduced without any improvements to the system itself or increase in resources. When the time comes to replace the old system with several new services, it will be necessary to change the "source-storage" flows. The changes will not affect many consumers.

Consumers turn to the storage. The load on the main source is reduced without any improvements to the system itself or increase in resources. When the time comes to replace the old system with several new services, it will be necessary to change the "source-storage" flows. The changes will not affect many consumers.

API as a separate service. Connect uniform consumers without extra load

To connect multiple consumers of the same type (for example, retailers), an API is often created inside the system. At the same time, the load that these consumers create falls on the system.The lack of access to the source system will become a problem for all consumers. They won't be able to get necessary data.

To connect multiple consumers of the same type (for example, retailers), an API is often created inside the system. At the same time, the load that these consumers create falls on the system.

The lack of access to the source system will become a problem for all consumers. They won't be able to get necessary data.

We create API connectors as standalone services, separate from the source system. They operate independently of the source system and can handle high loads. You will be able to serve systems without issues for a multitude of consumers.

We create API connectors as standalone services, separate from the source system. They operate independently of the source system and can handle high loads.

You will be able to serve systems without issues for a multitude of consumers.

Выгружайте данные один раз -
используйте сколько угодно раз в любых комбинациях

Новые данные выгружаются только один раз: из источника в хранилище. Потребители легко используют структурированные данные хранилища сколько угодно раз и в любых комбинациях.

Например, Рознице N нужны “оплаченные заказы”. Данные о заказах и оплатах передают в хранилище разные системы.

Коннектор найдет в хранилище “заказы” и “оплаты”, подходящие для Розницы N. Далее соберет данные в сообщение и передаст потребителю.

Мы создаем API-коннекторы не внутри сервиса, а отдельным сервисом. Они работают независимо от системы-источника и выдерживают высокую нагрузку.

Вы сможете обслуживать системы без проблем для множества потребителей.

BI implementation is made easy
with an existing Data Lake

By implementing ESB, we create a common enterprise data warehouse: Data Lake.

It is easy to connect any analytics system and upload reports to such a warehouse. All data is ready.

We build the warehouse architecture so that the generation of reports on a large array of information does not reduce the speed of daily data exchange.

By implementing ESB, we create a common structured enterprise data warehouse: Data Warehouse (DWH). It is easy to connect any analytics system and upload reports to such a warehouse. All data is ready. We build the warehouse architecture so that the generation of reports on a large array of information does not reduce the speed of daily data exchange.

The monitoring system controls
the operation of each flow

We log key stages of each flow's operation. If an error occurs that requires action, you will receive a message on Telegram. It will include a description of the error and a link to more details. This allows you to proactively respond to incidents rather than waiting for user reports.

The support team operator will know exactly where and what went off-script, helping to resolve incidents faster. We can set up a monitoring system from scratch or configure monitoring in your infrastructure.

We log key stages of each flow's operation. If an error occurs that requires action, you will receive a message on Telegram. It will include a description of the error and a link to more details. This allows you to proactively respond to incidents rather than waiting for user reports. The support team operator will know exactly where and what went off-script, helping to resolve incidents faster. We can set up a monitoring system from scratch or configure monitoring in your infrastructure.

The data bus (ESB) is a set of microservices,
not a monolith

With our approach, there is no single point of failure in the architecture. A data bus (ESB) is a set of microservices that are not interconnected.

ESB components are independent of each other and can run on different servers in different locations.

The exchange failure of any system will only affect this system. Other systems keep on working.

With our approach, there is no single point of failure in the architecture. A data bus (ESB) is a set of microservices that are not interconnected. ESB components are independent of each other and can run on different servers in different locations. The exchange failure of any system will only affect this system. Other systems keep on working. ‍
Компоненты ESB не зависят друг от друга и могут работать на разных серверах в разных локациях.

Отказ обмена любой из систем затрагивает только эту систему. Все остальное продолжает работать.

We use proven international open-source products

We use Opensource solutions. Therefore, our clients reduce their licence fee costs without the risk of restrictions imposed by the legislation of different countries.

Используем opensource инструменты: Mulesoft


A simple and flexible low-code platform that is part of the Salesforce company with revenue of more than $ 30 million per year. We use the Community Edition version.

How we use it
Graphic Studio to create connectors (ETL).

Используем opensource инструменты: GitLab


An open source DevOps lifecycle web tool. More than 30 million registered users.

How we use it
Version Control and setup of access rights (roles).

Используем opensource инструменты: ELK Stack


Solutions for corporate security, surveillance and search built on the Elasticsearch platform used by thousands of companies.

How we use it
To store, analyse and search by logs

Используем opensource инструменты: Grafana


An information visualization and analysis system that allows you to work with a wide range of data sources out of the box. More than 20 million users.

How we use it
Dashboards with information about the status of streams.

If you have any preferences, we can use other software products. Including with a paid license

Создаем потоки со скоростью
на грани ваших возможностей

Создаем унифицированные коннекторы, сохраняя гибкость для решения уникальных задач. Часто скорость разработки ограничивается только возможностью заказчика предоставлять данные о системах.

Вам необязательно иметь в штате аналитика. Мы проведем интервью, сами спроектируем коннекторы и согласуем с вами на наглядных схемах.


специалистов в штате


клиентов из числа крупного
и среднего бизнеса


проектов по внедрению ESB


работающих интеграций
на разных инструментах

Our standard procedure
of transition to ESB

We have built the ESB implementation process so that you get the maximum benefit.
You can go all the way through the implementation with us.
Or order any stage of the process separately, and impart the rest to your team.

1. Designing a loosely coupled architecture

You will receive a plan for transitioning to ESB, taking business specifics into account

  • We will analyze the current IT architecture, ASIS
  • We will work out exchanges on key entities
  • Design the ToBe architecture
  • Prepare a roadmap for the transition to a new architecture
  • Prepare recommendations on tools
  • Prepare the documentation.

2. Transfer of the most loaded streams to ESB

You will get a solution to 80% of the problems of data exchange between systems.

  • BPMN process flow diagrams
  • Deployment and configuration of necessary components (ETL, storage, logging, monitoring)
  • Configuring Connectors
  • Setting up log collection and monitoring of integration work
  • Documentation and training.

3. Transfer of other streams with a given speed and volume that is convenient for you

You will get a single exchange mechanism for the entire enterprise and a reduction in maintenance costs.

  • BPMN process flow diagrams
  • Configuring Connectors
  • Setting up log collection and monitoring of integration work
  • Documentation and training.

Our standard procedure
of transition to ESB

We have built the ESB implementation process so that you get the maximum benefit.
You can go all the way through the implementation with us.
Or order any stage of the process separately, and impart the rest to your team.

1. Designing a loosely coupled architecture

  • We will analyze the current IT architecture, ASIS;
  • We will work out exchanges on key entities;
  • Design the ToBe architecture;
  • Prepare a roadmap for the transition to a new architecture;
  • Prepare recommendations on tools;
  • Prepare the documentation.
Вы получите план перехода на ESB (механизм обмена данными) с учетом особенностей бизнеса.

You will receive a plan for transitioning to ESB, taking business specifics into account

2. Transfer of the most loaded streams to ESB

  • BPMN process flow diagrams;
  • Deployment and configuration of necessary components (ETL, storage, logging, monitoring);
  • Configuring Connectors;
  • Setting up log collection and monitoring of integration work;
  • Documentation and training.
Вы получите решение 80% проблем обмена данными между IT-системами предприятия.

You will get a solution to 80% of the problems of data exchange between systems

3. Transfer of other streams with a given speed and volume that is convenient for you

  • BPMN process flow diagrams;
  • Configuring Connectors;
  • Setting up log collection and monitoring of integration work;
  • Documentation and training.
Вы получите единый механизм обмена всего предприятия и снижение затрат на обслуживание.

You will get a single exchange mechanism for the entire enterprise and a reduction in maintenance costs

Project calculator

How many streams will the systems send?
Example: PIM will send data about products. OMS will send data about orders. WMS will send data about shipping status. These are 3 streams.
Пример: «Система управления товарами» будет отправлять данные о товарах. «Система управления заказами» — о заказах. «Система управления складом» — о статусе отгрузки. Это 3 потока.
How many streams will the systems receive?
Example: WMS will receive data about products and orders. OMS will receive data about products and shipping status. These are 4 streams.
Пример: «Система управления складом» будет принимать данные о товарах и заказах. «Система управления заказами» — о товарах и статусе отгрузки. Это 4 потока.
The formula used in the calculator is accurate, but simplified. The scope of work on your project and the final cost may vary. Contact your personal manager to calculate the final cost.

What is included in the cost


  • Preparation of system and data flow maps (SOA scheme)
  • We will work out exchanges on key entities
  • Creation of connectors for data exchange for each stream on 3 stands (test, pre-prod, prod)
  • Setup of up to three dashboards per connector inside a ready-made monitoring loop
  • Documentation on copying integration, reuse, maintenance
  • Demonstration of the implemented functionality
  • Preparing the infrastructure for the operation of connectors
  • Configuring the monitoring and logging loop
  • Creation of connectors (storage - receiver) for data exchange on each highly loaded stream (>100 messages per minute) on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)
  • Over 15 attributes for each stream

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